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Disclaimer 2: I am not affiliated with the following authors, I simply appreciate the insight they share in their works.
I am an unabashed bookworm. I can’t remember a time without books. In middle school and high school, I was absolutely that awkward girl who brought a book everywhere and chose reading over social interaction…and I didn’t care. On our honeymoon, my sweet husband indulged my obsession with books by, not only allowing a bookstore or two, but also took me to a HUGE library and just let me browse, feel, and smell the books (yes, smell…IYKYK).
These days, I don’t have an exorbitant amount of time to spend reading books. That’s why, though I still prefer actual physical copies, I’m thankful for audiobooks. I listen to audiobooks while I’m doing chores or gardening or driving…you know, all those things that you can’t do with a book in hand (although I have tried before…). Some of these books I have on audiobook, but there really is nothing like being able to highlight and write notes in the margins of a paper book.
Having said all that, here’s a list of books I’m reading now. I’ll follow with (the abbreviated version of) my list of books to read next.
The Privelege by Kay Smith
I love Kay Smith’s books. She is so down-to-earth and honest. I’m not a pastor’s wife, but this book has some really great principles for ladies in any kind of leadership position. Our pastor’s wife is going through it with the lady bible study leaders at our church, and it has been an amazing read. Humbling and convicting while at the same time being funny and relatable, The Privelege is a must-read for lady leaders.
So The Next Generation Will Know by Sean McDowell
We just started this book alongside our fellow youth workers also. It’s been very thought-provoking. Generation Z faces different challenges than any generation before. The way we reach them (although I technically fall smack-dab in the middle between Millennials and Gen Z) needs a makeover. I have such a heart for this generation and seeing them seek the Lord. Sean McDowell has some great principles to share with us for reaching Gen Z.
Mama Bear Apologetics by Hilary Morgan Ferrer
By the time this post is published, I will probably be finished with this one. Apologetics has been really heavy on my heart and the heart of our youth workers. We attended a conference that focused solely on apologetics, and now unlike ever before we feel the weight of the verse:
“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
2 Timothy 2:15 NKJV
Mama Bear Apologetics gives a great baseline for apologetics. There’s also a Mama Bear Apologetics podcast you can check out on whatever platform you listen on.
The Potter’s Promise by Leighton Flowers
Soteriology is such an interesting topic for me. I recently had the opportunity to hear Leighton Flowers speak at the apologetics conference I mentioned earlier, and he is quickly becoming favorite resource on this topic. Going back to the verse above, it’s important to rightly divide the word of truth; which means we need to be sure of what it’s actually saying in context. I’ve only just started this book but I have high expectations.
Keeping Your Kids On God’s Side by Natasha Crain
While Mama Bear was my jumping-off point, Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side by Natasha Crain gets a little more specific along the lines of apologetics. I had the privilege of hearing Natasha Crain speak at the same conference I’ve already mentioned. She is very precise in the way she puts things, while at the same time keeping it simple enough for a child to understand. I’m loving the direct points she brings out in this book.
Bonus Idea: A few mamas in my church have gotten together to read this book and have mock-debates concerning apologetics. What a fun and creative way to be ready to give an account to anyone who asks (1 Peter 3:15-16).
Books On My To-Read List
I’ll preface this list by repeating that apologetics is very heavy on my heart right now. Many of these books rose to the top of my list after attending the aforementioned apologetics concert. Again, this list is only a small part of my to-read list.
- The Secular Creed by Rebecca McLaughlin
- The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis
- I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist by Frank Turrek
- Stealing from God by Frank Turrek
- Scribes and Scriptures by Peter Gurry
- Myths and Mistakes in New Testament Textual Criticism by Peter Gurry
- Live Your Truth and Other Lies by Alisa Childers
- Hard is Not the Same as Bad by Abbie Halberstadt (Releases at the end of the summer!)
- Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality by Hillary Morgan Ferrer
- You’re Not Enough (and that’s OK) by Allie Beth Stuckey
So there you go! If you were looking for your next read, I hope my suggestions have been helpful to you.
God bless you and yours,