You know those days when you just want to crawl back into bed and sleep through the chaos? Trust me, I’ve been there.

"Teaching Titus 2"
You know those days when you just want to crawl back into bed and sleep through the chaos? Trust me, I’ve been there.
I am unabashedly a bookworm. I can’t remember a time without books. In middle school and high school, I was absolutely that awkward girl who brought a book everywhere and chose reading over social interaction…and I didn’t care.
Toddlers are little scientists. They’re always exploring and experimenting and creating…and yes, destroying too. But think about it! They learn SO MUCH just in the first 3-4 years of life…
We can be intentional about sharing the gospel with our kiddos on this, the most important holiday of the year. Without Jesus’ death and resurrection, there is no Christianity. Our faith would be null and void without the gospel. As good stewards of our littles, we are called to share that story with them.
Raise your hand if your marriage is perfect.
Okay, my guess is that none of you did. That’s okay! I didn’t either. There is no perfect marriage–you know, the kind where you are both always on the same page, can perfectly read each other’s thoughts, never make assumptions about each other, never say a negative word or think a negative thought about each other (“why does he have to try to fix everything?” “why does she have to be so emotional all the time?”). Don’t worry, ladies, I’m right there with you.
In Light of Valentine’s Day, I wanted to do a special post….Our Heavenly Father loves us so much. I think it’s important to remember what He thinks of us.
(Did you miss Part One? Check it out here!) In Part One of this two-part post, we looked at the beginning of Exodus 14. We saw how God called the Israelites forward, even though there wasn’t a way forward. In this post, we’ll look at …
Exodus 14: Crossing the Red Sea [Read Exodus 13 for a better look at the context] The Red Sea Crossing is one of my favorite chapters in Scripture, and it has been since I was really little. In this chapter (Exodus 14), we see the …
So He said, “I will certainly be with you. And this shall be a sign to you that I have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.” Exodus 3:12 NKJV My husband would tell …
This was a devo I wrote for our youth church camp. It has been edited to fit the flow and purpose of this blog. Abigail Jr High Camp 2021 Today we’re going to get into the Old Testament, 1 Samuel 25 to be exact. I …