I am unabashedly a bookworm. I can’t remember a time without books. In middle school and high school, I was absolutely that awkward girl who brought a book everywhere and chose reading over social interaction…and I didn’t care.
April 2023
Why Little Helpers Are a Great Thing
Toddlers are little scientists. They’re always exploring and experimenting and creating…and yes, destroying too. But think about it! They learn SO MUCH just in the first 3-4 years of life…
How to be a Stress-Less Mom in a Busy Season
You know those days when you just want to crawl back into bed and sleep through the chaos? Trust me, I’ve been there.
How to Make Easter Come Alive With Littles
We can be intentional about sharing the gospel with our kiddos on this, the most important holiday of the year. Without Jesus’ death and resurrection, there is no Christianity. Our faith would be null and void without the gospel. As good stewards of our littles, we are called to share that story with them.