Teachings and Devos

Fully Loved in the Struggle

In light of Valentine’s Day, I wanted to do a special post. This is a devotional I wrote for our youth group’s upcoming winter camp, and I’ve edited it for the purpose of this post. I think it’s a good reminder to anyone, but especially anyone who might feel particularly invisible on this so-called day of love. Our Heavenly Father loves us so much. It’s important to remember what He thinks of us.

Psalm 139:13-18
Have you ever felt invisible? Like no one listens to you, no one understands you? Or maybe you feel like no one actually cares. You’ve started to give ear to those whispers in your ear that you’re alone, unseen, your struggle doesn’t matter. I know I’ve been there.

What if I told you that those were lies that Satan wants you to believe? What if I told you someone does care? Someone does see you, and He does understand?

For you formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully an wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You.

Psalm 139:13-18 NKJV

Let’s be honest, there are days when it feels like the world is against me. There is a list — not only endless, but ever-growing– of things I need to do or be. It’s more than overwhelming. Sometimes it feels overbearing, like a crushing weight. And there are days when it feels like I have to shoulder it all alone. I’m willing to bet that there are some of you who can relate.

The world is feeding you the lie that no one understands you or your struggle. The world has an image that you all are supposed to fit. And that can be really confusing, and really depressing, trying to fit the bill. Right?

That’s why it’s so important to look at the truth. And the only standard of absolute truth in this world, that will never change or fade with time, is God’s Word. Today we’re just going to focus on Psalm 139:13-18, but I challenge you to go back and read that entire Psalm and see just what the Lord thinks of you.

For me, this passage gives me so much comfort when I feel alone and invisible. It reminds me that God took the time and the care to form every single part of my being. He hand-placed every single cell in my body. He delicately chose the color of my hair and eyes. He put every single freckle exactly where it was supposed to go, and said “Perfect.” He knew how tall I would be…or short, if you ask my 6’4″ Hubby. God knows me more intimately than anyone, even myself, will EVER know.

And then at the end of verse 14 it says that His works are marvelous. So I want everyone to think of the most beautiful thing they have ever seen. Go on, close your eyes. Have you thought of it yet? Maybe it’s a sunrise, or a landscape. Maybe a certain type of animal or flower. Maybe it’s a snowy mountain view, or the clouds lit up with thunder and lightning.

There are SO MANY beautiful things in God’s creation. Those things that take our breath away, like a clear starry night, or a volcano erupting. Or fresh fallen snow. My favorite is the autumn colors up in the Rockies–they are GORGEOUS, incomparable! Especially the years when the Aspens have that orange-gold hue.

But do you want to know something? Nothing, not one of those breath-taking things, is more beautiful or more precious to God than you are. Each one of you are His prized possessions. And He cares so deeply about you. And He sees you. He’s seen you even before you were formed in your mother’s womb. I’ve got a little baby growing inside me right now, and before he was even a thought, God knew him. That’s AMAZING.

Not only does God know our forms, our beings, the number of our days…but he knows our thoughts, and our struggles. And He thinks about those things millions, billions of times a day. That’s both comforting and intimidating, right? Those secret thoughts and secret struggles that live inside that no one else can see. How many of us can put a pretty good show on the outside? But inside, I think that’s where most sin happens. Hidden away where no one can see. Sometimes, that’s why we feel so misunderstood, right? But God sees them. He knows them deeper than even you do. And He CARES about them.

God doesn’t shame us for those secret struggles. Did you know Jesus had the same struggles? In Hebrews 4, we’re told that Jesus was tempted in all the ways we are. Not just on the outside where everyone could see, but even in His mind. That means that He was undoubtedly tempted to look at a woman with lust, to hate a brother in His heart, to curse His Heavenly Father in His mind… And yet, Jesus was able to resist temptation EVEN in those secret places. He was perfect and sinless even in His heart and mind. I don’t know about you, but that amazes me.

All of this to say, Jesus understands your struggles. He doesn’t think any less of you for them. He gets it, He knows how hard it is. In fact, He wants you to give those struggles over to Him. He wants to help you with them! I mean, who better to help us than the One who sinlessly overcame them Himself, right?

So I just wanted to offer this encouragement to you today: God understands. He cares. He sees you. You aren’t invisible. You are known. You are precious. You are loved.

Thanks for joining me today. As always, God bless you and your homes!

With Love,


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