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Teachings and Devos

Halloween Then and Now: What are People Really Celebrating?

Teachings and Devos

Halloween Then and Now: What are People Really Celebrating?

Before we begin, it’s only fair to write a disclaimer of sorts. This post is for informational purposes only. I’m not the Holy Spirit, and I do not speak from a place of authority over anyone’s life. However, I pray that through the information and …

Teachings and Devos

5 Books You Need to Help Your Marriage Thrive

Raise your hand if your marriage is perfect.

Okay, my guess is that none of you did. That’s okay! I didn’t either. There is no perfect marriage–you know, the kind where you are both always on the same page, can perfectly read each other’s thoughts, never make assumptions about each other, never say a negative word or think a negative thought about each other (“why does he have to try to fix everything?” “why does she have to be so emotional all the time?”). Don’t worry, ladies, I’m right there with you.